Photos from Sundays ride and Bits of Info

23 people came out for the ride. Riding season is definitely here. Yeah yeah, there were lots of hills, but didn’t the weather make it all worthwhile?

For those who are new to the club, we’d just like to give you a quick run down on when we ride and a few other things.

Thursday and Sunday mornings, 10:00am
These rides are our longer rides. Early in the season the routes are a little shorter and they get progressively longer as people become more fit. There’s usually a shorter route option for you if you’re crunched for time, or if you want to take it a little easier that day. Since riders of all speed and ability are participating, it’s anticipated that sub-groups of similar pace will form and and proceed at their own rate.

The Thursday morning route is the same as Sunday morning. For those who can make it to both, you get to “preview” it on Thursday and then perfect it on Sunday.

Monday and Wednesday Novice Night Rides
These rides are designed for new riders who may be new to cycling in a club. It’s a no-drop ride where the group stays together so you never get left behind. You don’t have to worry that you’re not fit enough, not dressed like a flashy cyclist, or that it’s going to be too much for you. There’s usually plenty of experienced folks on this ride too, offering support and encouragement while also enjoying a pleasantly paced ride. These rides will get underway as the weather becomes reliably comfortable in the evenings, usually mid-May.

Finally, here’s the video of our Sunday ride with 23 people.


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