Ride Sunday, April 8th, 2012 10am

If you’re not busy hunting for easter eggs, or preparing ham or turkey, plan on digging out the bicycle and going for a club ride. Just like Thursday, this route’s 38.5km but you can shorten it to 19.5km if you wish, and also bypass the big Crossen Hill climb. But don’t let hills scare you. Everyone does them at their own pace and if you want to take a scenery break part way up, that’s okay too.

The extended option: At 25k: head west on Vimy Ridge, then south to Bethel Grove, then Jibb, and then re-join the group in Camborne.

Start location: The Mill Restaurant parking lot, Cobourg
Route map: “The Big Loop” route map here
Start time: 10:00am

Again, its helpful if you comment below, mentioning what distance you’re hoping to ride. It will let others do a little mental planning and don’t worry—we won’t hold you to it, you can still change your mind when you’re out there. We just like to get a rough idea.


  1. I will be joining you but will only be doing the 19.5km route do to family Easter obligations and I will be bringing a cheque for my membership fees. See you there! Cheers! The new guy! Nelson.

  2. Love to join you but Maaike and I be riding/hiking with my son in the hills around San Diego this weekend. 🙂

    • Great, David! We’ll be happy to have you join us. You could bring your membership form and OCA waiver with you to the beginning of the ride. Get ready to climb some hills! See you then. 🙂

  3. Sounds like it’s a newbie weekend. I, too, am planning on joining the club – will bring membership form and OCA waiver. I’ll do the 38 km, or possibly the extended. Thought I’d play that by ear.

  4. we’ve returned – Sue & I plan to join the ride on Sunday . . . distance to be determined, as we become acclimatized to the terrain and cool weather

  5. I would like to join this ride as well – not sure the distance though. I think it will depend on how well I am keeping up with the group this time out.

  6. change of plan, leaving for easter dinner earlier than originally planned, can’t make it after all…enjoy the day!

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