Virtual Club Ride – “Rouvy Thursday” November 16 at 6pm – Mallorca Spain

Got a smart trainer and want to keep up your fitness level? We are going to try out some virtual group rides and the first one will be this Thursday evening. There are many platforms to try, but this week we will give Rouvy a go for this inaugural virtual evening ride. It will be a nice & short 11 km ride, 2% grade and you can’t get dropped because the Rouvy Magnet “boosts” riders so that we automatically stay together. Like magic! There is no need to worry about pace—all levels will be able to keep up.

If you have a smart trainer you will need to set up a Rouvy account. We recommend using the free trial period to see how we all like it before committing further to the Rouvy platform. If you have any questions about how to get started feel free to call Randy at 905-376-8696.

Date: Thursday November 16, 6pm
Start location: Your house!

Members please RSVP on the Event in Cycle Club so we know who to expect.  
Guests are welcome (no waiver required, lol)

Getting to the ride:
Login into Rouvy and navigate to Group Rides/Scheduled Events and scroll down to the Northumberland Hills Cycling Club event at 1800h.






“BIKE FOR THE PLANET” Community Ride—Sunday June 5th 10am, Cobourg Bandshell – VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED

Together with Sustainable Cobourg and  Cycle Transitions we are pleased to be involved in the resurrection of the Bike For The Planet 2022 event in Cobourg. There are two distances—a short loop of 6km or a longer version of 10km, escorted by the Cobourg Police services. In past years we had up to 130 people attend! The event is free and for all ages.

Volunteer sweeps needed:
The NHCC has been asked to support the event by volunteering as ride sweeps. We will require at least six—3 for each route. A pre-ride and meeting for the sweeps will take place at the Bandshell this Thursday evening, May 19th at 6:30 pm. (The Cobourg Police Services are attending). 

Pre-Season Ride – Thursday 2pm

Tomorrow is looking like a bright sunny day. Perhaps a good day for a early season ride. Since it is generally a little warmer away from the lake, I was thinking we could start at the Hamilton Township Municipal office and head on up to Rice Lake. We can make it up as we go along. Nothing crazy, just a chance to get out there. Considering the elevation we would traditionally consider this a level 3 ride

How to RSVP (Members): 

  • Log into Cycle Club either on the web, or on your mobile device and go from there. If you aren’t setup yet, head on over to the website and take a look in the right hand column and click on the “Cycle Club”.


It’s Friday Floater Ride Time! (Friday June 25th)

This Friday Randy is re-starting the Friday Floater Rides. They’ll be offered mostly on Fridays throughout the summer, and are usually a little out of town for a change of scenery. We usually maintain a Pace: C Moderate (Level 3) and the distances typically range between 40 and 70km. This week’s ride is 49k. As with almost any rides north of the 401, there are hills, though we try to avoid the biggest and craziest of them. One highlight of this week’s ride will be the Ranney Gorge Bridge that we’ll cross with our bikes—which can be a bit of a thrill!

RSVP Required (choose one of two methods to let us know!):

  1. Leave a comment here on the website to say you are coming
  2. View the Event on our NHCC Ride Calendar, then select RSVP

To view all of the upcoming rides and their details, please visit the Ride Calendar on the website. For more information about how we rate Pace, Terrain, and Type of Ride, view the NHCC Ride Descriptions

The 2021 Ride Program; Let’s talk!

The NHCC has laid the foundation for a new flexible ride structure that’s responsive to the needs of our diverse membership—a big departure from the former Levels 1-4 format. Now it’s your turn! We are inviting members to help us put together 3-week ride blocks that suit your interests and needs, and hopefully you can throw your great ideas our way. We will either meet outside in person (safely distanced of course), or make use of a Zoom conference, depending on number of respondents. We’ll talk & discuss the new format, then make plans to populate the ride calendar. How about it? Are you interested? Both new and returning members are encouraged to participate especially if you would like to:

  • Learn about how the new format will work 
  • Suggest ideas for ride themes
  • Take ownership of a 3-week ride block
  • Influence the development of our Ride Standards

Let us know you are interested by submitting your name below, and indicate your preference for in-person or Zoom. We’ll get back to you with date and time. (If the form doesn’t appear below, please visit the NHCC website here. 

Spring is Springing and the NHCC will Ride!

We are just a little over two weeks away from the official start of Spring! It’s been a heck of a year in so many ways, but we look forward to an exciting new cycling season ahead, making up for lost time last year! We at the NHCC recognize how super anxious people are to get back out on their bikes and ride with friends.

The NHCC has been busy planning in the background. We will introduce a whole new ride structure for 2021 that will optimize flexibility & diversity while maintaining inclusiveness that’s always been important to our Clubs culture.

New Ride Format for 2021:
Rides will be offered in series of 3-week Blocks, each with an associated theme and varying Levels of Difficulty.  While still in development, we are excited about the possibilities of how they might look. Here are some ideas we are bouncing around and we’ll be seeking more from members:

  • Friday Floater Rides
  • Regular Morning 50-60k ride
  • Early Morning Coffee Rides
  • Nice & Easy mid-distance rides
  • Riding Safely for Beginners
  • Bike Handling Skills Rides (Beginners)
  • Evening Fast and Furious
  • Hills for Strength
  • Day Touring Rides
  • Long Distance 100k Series
  • Northumberland Forest Gravel Rides
  • Prince Edward County 50k series
  • Escalating Distance (30, 40, 50k)

The list will vary as it develops—it’s an opportunity for the Club to try something new & creative. Its success will depend on feedback from members and the willingness of ride leaders. Ride leaders could take on just a single riding block, or several consecutive ones and build upon them. More importantly, ride leaders won’t be committed to an entire season, just three weeks at a time! Win, win! Leave us a comment, let us know what you think.

The NHCC is taking Memberships now!
Be ready for when the season starts. Get your 2021 membership in now. The regular season begins on May 1st, but traditionally we offer rides as weather permits in March and April. Note: Due to COVID, all previously purchased 2020 memberships have been extended until the end of 2021. 

NOTE about COVID19: All NHCC rides will be subject to public health measures pertaining to outdoor activities and may include limiting group size, screening, etc.

Any Zwifters looking to ride?

These lockdown COVID days can be long.  But if you are a cycling techy and fortunate enough to have a trainer set up with Zwift, we could ride together virtually!

What is Zwift?
Zwift is a subscription based ($20 per month), interactive online cycling experience that works together with a smart trainer in your home and a computer/smart phone, or Apple TV. You (your avatar) rides around a virtual course with other local cyclists as well as from around the world. Like a video game for cyclists!

Sooo….any NHCC Zwifters looking for a virtual group ride? We could get it up and running lickety split if there’s enough interest. Please reply with a comment below or just email and we’ll go from there.

Ride With GPS Webinar tonight: “Plan and Customize a Route”

During the pandemic, many NHCCers made use of the Club’s Ride With GPS Map Library to find places to ride either solar or in small groups. Haven’t you wondered how to plan and customize your own route? Tonight the Ride With GPS organization is presenting a webinar “Plan and Customize a Route”. Winter is a great time to look at routes and dream about the new riding season. You can plan routes around our region, or get creative and think about planning routes in far away lands! It’s free and all you need to do is click on the link below to get registered.

  • Session 3: Plan and Customize a Route
    Thursday December 17, 7-8pm

Read more and Register for your session by clicking here! 

Ride With GPS Webinar tonight: “Club Member Benefits and How to Use Them”

As most know, the NHCC uses Ride With GPS for it’s routes and maps. It’s the service that provides our audio turn-by-turn navigation on club rides. There are other benefits for Club members that you may be unfamiliar with, and could benefit from too!  Tonight the Ride With GPS organization is presenting the webinar “Club Member Benefits and How to Use Them”. Last weeks’ webinar was more geared toward administrators, we think this one will be of more relevance to Club Members. Hey, if we can’t ride, at least we can think about riding! It’s free and all you need to do is click on the link below to get registered.

  • Session 2: Club Member Benefits and How to Use Them
    Thursday December 10, 7-8pm
  • Session 3: Plan and Customize a Route
    Thursday December 17, 7-8pm

Read more and Register for a session by clicking here!