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Members (only) use Cycle Club to view ride details, RSVP, and see who's riding.


The NHCC Route Library on Ride with GPS


Guests may ride with the NHCC for up to three rides


Just $45 for a whole calendar-year of Awesomeness


Here’s what the NHCC is up to!

Sunday August 1st ride (Shelter Valley 50k)

This ride has been chosen from the Ganaraska Freewheelers route maps. Although It indicates a start and finish at the Marina, parking could be an issue so let’s modify it slightly and we’ll start at Donegan Park. It’s the long weekend and many people have summertime plans, but let’s see if at least a few riders can make it.

Here is the route map. Please take a moment to print it out for yourselves and bring it with you.

Click here for 51k Shelter Valley Route Map

Start time: 10:00

Using ride photos in county tourism promotions

Northumberland County Tourism has asked James Barnes if they could use some of his ride photos in County Tourism promotions. As the photos have been taken in a public place and are not being used for monetary gain they are allowable, but as a courtesy to those who may not wish to be included, please comment below and Jamie will make the effort to exclude such pictures.

July 25th Ride (56k or 44k from Brighton) First Half Flat!

This coming Sunday the ride will start in Brighton (Gosport to be specific). The first half of it is flat and if you prefer to keep it that way, you can take the short cut and make it 44k instead of the original 56k.

After 32 km of relatively flat, scenic, riding, the long route heads up into the infamous Northumberland Hills. The worse of the hilly can be avoided by taking the shortcut! There is a cafe nearby for those interested in lunch after the ride.

Here is the route map. Please take a moment to print it out for yourselves and bring it with you.

Click here for the 56k or 44k route map in Brighton

Start time: 10:00

Sunday July 18th Ride from Bewdley (47k or 36k choices)

A ride in the Rice Lake area for this coming Sunday has been proposed. This route starts and ends in Bewdley and is a lovely route that takes riders through Harwood. It’s 47k but for those interested in going a little shorter, there’s a “shortcut” available to make it 36k. Page 1 of the route information describes how to shorten it to 36k.

Looking to go really long? How about 106k?
There may be a few looking for a real challenge. There’s a route that is 106k that also starts and ends in Bewdley. (although you won’t be with the main group of 47k riders)

Since the waterfront tends to become congested, how about meeting at the arena? Rhino’s Roadhouse presents an option for lunch after the ride for those who are interested.

47k or 36k: Link to the “Heavenly Harwood” route map

106k: Link to the Bewdley route map

Start time: 10:00

July 11, 2010 ride: (time and place to be determined)

There’s been no decision about a time and place for this ride. This is an opportunity for people to comment and collaborate on a ride for this Sunday ride. Please enter a reply under “comments” to share your ideas about start place, routes, etc. Good luck and have fun on the ride! Keep yourself up to date on the details by following the comments made on this posting.

July 1st, Canada Day Ride and Picnic (50k or 33k)

A reminder about the July 1st Canada Day Ride that is just two days away! Barb & John are hosting the ride and picnic/potluck afterwards. As in typical Ganaraska Freewheelers tradition, riders usually your own plates, utensils, libations, and a dish to share. It promises to be a lot of fun. Spouses, partners welcome. Click here for more information, and to leave comments.

Click here to RSVP (We’ll send you directions to the house after you RSVP. We didn’t think it cool to post them in a public forum)

Announcing a new area of our website: CONNECT-A-RIDE

Okay, it seems as though we love to meet on Sundays for our group ride. But there may be other times during the week when you may want to find another like-minded person to head out on a ride with. This new section called CONNECT-A-RIDE could be a helpful place to connect with others who are available to ride outside of our regular Sunday rides. CONNECT-A-RIDE You can also access this section by clicking on the link in the main navigation menu up above.

Sunday June 27th Ride

It’s unknown how many people are available to ride this coming Sunday, June 27th. We’ll open the topic for discussion here, and see if there’s interest in forming a ride this week. Anyone want to suggest a route, starting point, etc.?

Sunday, July 4th Ride (possibly from Grafton)

Brian Hedney has made the following suggestion for Sunday, July 4th.

“How do folks feel about having a ride from Grafton on Sunday July 4th? We would, of course, have to wear red, white and blue outfits with lots of stars and stripes on them! The route that I am proposing is 51 km long, and is called Grafton East. It is to be found here: The Grafton-East Map. It is, in my opinion, a lovely route. It starts by following the (relatively flat) Waterfront Trail to Colborne, then heads north into the hills of Telephone Road before coming down the lovely Shelter Valley Road. The starting point is the Grafton Arena, 500 m west of the village on C.R.2.”
Brian Hedney

Canada Day Bike Ride & Pot Luck

John and Barb who ride with the Ganaraska Freewheelers are sponsoring a ride on Canada Day this year. They have kindly extended an invitation to the Northumberland Hills Cycling Community to join them in celebrating Canada Day with a bike ride and picnic/pot luck afternoon.

The ride starts at 10:00 am and will be the East Danforth route, 50k or 33k, beginning and ending at the home of Barb and John. A pot luck lunch/whatever will follow the ride.

Please RSVP to let us know you are interested. (CLICK HERE). A detailed invitation will be forwarded to you with a link for the route map and directions to Barb and John’s house.