Ride: Thursday, Sep 29th (10am)

Hopefully it won’t rain! We’ll meet at The Mill Restaurant and head out for a ride somewhere. If anyone has any suggestions as to a route, please feel free to make mention of it!

Start time: 10:00am
Start location: The Mill Restaurant
Route Map and Directions: To be determined still

We’d really like it if you mentioned below that you’re coming!

Wednesday Sept. 28th: Evening Novice Ride (6:00pm)

The long term forecast at this point is showing a 60% chance of rain in the evening but we all know the weather man lies. Therefore, it might not rain at all! Weather permitting, we’ll ride again on Wednesday night and hope the rain stays away for us.

Start time: 6:00
Start location: The Mill
Route: To be determined
Ride Leader: Anyone want to volunteer?

Please indicate by commenting if you will come out for the ride.

Monday, September 26th: Evening Ride (6:00pm)

It’s a 6:00 start time again! And it’s supposed to be another awesome, warm day on Monday! We’ll head out for a ride around the countryside, maybe throw in a few hills, and try to be back between 7 and 7:15. Light’s on the front and back of your bike are highly recommended at this time of the year so that you can be seen as the sun starts to set—a small white one on the front of your bike and a red one on the back. They are available for around $10 at The Bike Shop in Cobourg and other places.

If you missed the Sunday ride, you missed a gloriously sunny day—19 riders came out and we pedalled all the way up to Harwood and back, smiling the whole way.

Start time: 6:00
Start location: The Mill Parking Lot
Route: To be determined
Ride Leader: To be determined. Anyone want to lead?

Please indicate by commenting if you will come out for the ride.

Ride: Sunday, Sep 25th: Cornish Hollow to Harwood (10am)

This Sunday is a repeat of the Thursday route. Meet at the Dale Road Store (Go north on Ontario, turn left at Dale Rd and it’s on the right) This route takes in both some familiar roads as well as a few lesser-travelled ones, and is quite scenic. We’ll make a brief stopover at the Harwood Store.

Start time: 10:00am
Start location: Dale Rd. Store
Route Map and Directions: Precious Corners to Harwood Route Map Here

Please print out a map for yourself and bring it with you. Also, we’d really like it if you mentioned below that you’re coming!

Monday, September 19th: Evening Novice Ride (6:00pm)

It’s a 6:00 start time again and the weather forecast looks good, but cool at night. We’ll do like we did last week and head out for 40 minutes and then turn around and come back, but starting at The Mill restaurant this time.

Congratulations to the club members who completed the 100km ride to Presqu’ile and back! Marianne, Rick, Maiike, Peter, Ruth, Vivian, Paul, Randy and Anita. Awesome job everyone. Special recognition to Randy—3 flats, a sliced tire, and rode like Lance to catch up to everyone in Brighton. We learned today that a sliced tire can be fixed with an empty powergel pack and duct tape.

Start time: 6:00
Start location: The Mill Parking Lot
Route: To be determined
Ride Leader: To be determined. Anyone want to lead?

Please indicate by commenting if you will come out for the ride.

Ride: Sunday Sep 11th: Waterfront Trail Westbound

This Sunday we’re taking in the Waterfront Trail again. Heading to Port Hope and continue along the lakeshore, riders can turn around at any point they wish, making the ride any distance they prefer. The only really big hill is the one that can’t be avoided to get across Port Hope. No route map necessary for this ride.

Port Hope provides an opportunity to re-load on drinks or snacks if desired.

Start time: 10:00am
Start location: The park on Carlisle St. between Ewing and Westwood.
Ride Leader: Anita Macklin

Please comment below if you are coming and the approximate distance you might be interested in.

Ride: Thursday Sep 8th: Waterfront Trail Westbound

This Thursday (and Sunday as well) we’ll take the Waterfront Trail and head west over to Port Hope and continue along the lakeshore. Riders can turn around at any point they wish, making the ride as long or as short as desired. The route is an easy and relatively level except for the big hill to get across Port Hope. No route map necessary for this ride.

Port Hope provides an opportunity to re-load on drinks or snacks if desired.

Start time: 10:00am
Start location: The park on Carlisle St. between Ewing and Westwood.
Ride Leader: Maria Garrett

Please comment below if you are coming and the approximate distance you might be interested in.

Monday, Sept. 5th: Evening Novice Ride (6:30pm)

New start time: 6:30pm

This ride is being posted on the website, but many of the club members will already have rode 106km earlier in the day and may not wish to ride in the evening, but if people wish to get together and do the usual Monday night ride, here is the place to discuss a starting point and a ride leader. Is there anyone interested in leading this ride? We need a leader and a starting point in order for this ride to occur.

Start time: 6:30
Start location: Donegan Park
Ride Leader: ?

Please indicate by commenting if you are interested in riding and also if you wish to lead the ride.