New Years Day Ride, January 1st 2012, 1:00pm—Potluck afterward

Sleep in, recover from your previous evening’s indulgences and then— BIKE RIDE!!

In keeping with tradition, Randy’s New Years Day Ride and Potluck will take place on January 1st. If the weather isn’t cooperating with your sense of adventure and you want to do the Potluck only you are welcome to mingle at the house while others ride.

Here’s what you need to bring:
–Your spouse or partner is welcome
–A yummy dish of some sort
–Dishes and cutlery
–Your bike (if you are riding)
–A non-perishable food item for the food bank

The length of the ride will be weather dependent. If it’s totally miserable out there, the potluck will still go forth. For those of you who know where Randy’s house is, great! If you need an address and directions please email Randy and he’ll make sure you have the info.

Time: 1:00pm
Place: Randy’s house
Route: To be determined (weather dependent)

Note: This is an open, privately held event. It is not an OCA club-sanctioned ride and therefore club membership is not required if you want to participate.

Please RSVP by commenting below so that Randy knows how many to expect and can plan accordingly.

Thursday, December 22nd: Ride from the Park on Carlisle (11:00 am)

Can you believe it? We’re still riding just three days before Christmas. And the weather is forecasting 5° and a mix of sun and cloud. We’ll take what we can get! We’re going to try for 11:00am (not the usual 10am) and hopefully get the warmest weather of the day.

If you haven’t got time to ride, but you do have 7 minutes to spare, here’s a fun little video that most will be able to relate to and will make you giggle.

Start time: 11:00am
Start location: The park on Carlisle St., between Ewing and Westwood.
Route: To be determined

If you are interested in riding, please indicate so by commenting below so others can plan accordingly too.

Sunday, December 18th: Ride from Donegan Park (10am)

There aren’t too many clubs out there still riding at this time of the year, but we’re a hardy bunch of folks, aren’t we? We’re posting a ride for Sunday morning. It will be chilly, but nothing that some warm layers won’t fix—Meet at Donegan Park and whoever shows can determine a suitable route.

Start time: 10:00am
Start location: Donegan Park
Route: To be determined

If you are interested in riding, please indicate so by commenting below so others can plan accordingly too.

Thursday, December 15th: Ride from Donegan Park (1pm afternoon)

We’re posting a ride for Thursday afternoon (not morning time) in the hopes that the weather will cooperate. 1:00 instead of the usual 10:00—Meet at Donegan Park and whoever shows can determine a suitable route.

Start time: 1:00pm
Start location: Donegan Park
Route: To be determined

If you are interested in riding, please indicate so by commenting below so others can plan accordingly too.

Tuesday, December 13th: Ride from Donegan Park 10am

That’s right, Tuesday! At this time of the year we are at the mercy of weather. Looking at the forecast, it appears there’s a window of opportunity on Tuesday, so we’re going to go for it! Yeah, it’s not one of our “normal” days, but hey, the weather isn’t so normal either. Meet at Donegan Park and depending on wind patterns a route will be selected by those who are riding.

Start time: 10:00am
Start location: Donegan Park
Route: To be determined

If you are interested in riding, please indicate so by commenting below so others can plan accordingly too.

Sunday, December 11th: Ride from Donegan Park 10am

Forget the Christmas shopping, you’ve still got more than two weeks to go. There’s no snow predicted for Sunday, so you’d better not put your bike away yet because we’ll be riding again on Sunday. It’s predicting 2° so far and sunshine! Hey, with any luck we’ll be riding right up until Christmas time this year. Rumour has it that a few riders braved it and went out for a ride this morning.

As with Thursday, meet at Donegan Park and depending on wind patterns we’ll either head east toward Wicklow Beach or alternatively out to Theatre Rd and then to Cornish Hollow and beyond. Either way, the start point will be Donegan Park.

Start time: 10:00am
Start location: Donegan Park
Route: If wind is north/south: Wicklow Beach and back (39km)
Alternate Route: If wind is east/west: Town and Country (start at Donegan Park, not Carlisle as indicated on map) (37km)

If you are interested in riding, please indicate so by commenting below so others can plan accordingly too.

Thursday, December 8th: Ride from Donegan Park 10am

Here’s the scoop: Weather is saying 2° and a possibility of flurries in the early morning. Hey, at least it’s not rain nor is it freezing! Meet at Donegan Park and depending on wind patterns we’ll either head east toward Wicklow Beach or alternatively out to Theatre Rd and then to Cornish Hollow and beyond. Either way, the start point will be Donegan Park.

Start time: 10:00am
Start location: Donegan Park
Route: If wind is north/south: Wicklow Beach and back (39km)
Alternate Route: If wind is east/west: Town and Country (start at Donegan Park, not Carlisle as indicated on map) (37km)

If you are interested in riding, please indicate so by commenting below so others can plan accordingly too.

Sunday, December 4th: Ride, 10am start

Sunday’s ride may possibly be rained out, but just in case……
Meet at The Mill—A route can be discussed and chosen by the riders present, according to desired distance and route. If you have any preferences or ideas, please share them below to get the conversation about routes started.

Start time: 10:00am
Start location: The Mill Restaurant in Cobourg
Route: To be discussed. We’d love to hear what you want!

Please comment below and let people know you might ride. It helps others to plan accordingly too. Happy riding!