Thursday, December 1st: Ride from The Mill

It’s going to be a chilly one. But for those hardy souls who want to get out there, the weather at least is not showing any precipitation.

If you are interested in riding, please indicate so by commenting below so others can plan accordingly too.

Start time: 10:00am
Start location: The Mill (Cobourg)
Route: To be determined.

Sunday, November 27th: “Perrytown Pedlar” route, (10am, Port Hope start)

We’ll do it all again on Sunday, just in case you miss Thursday’s ride. Take the 42km or the 24k option, your choice. Begin in Cobourg and ride to the start point to add even more distance.

Jersey orders
By the way, the shirt order goes in on Thursday so if you haven’t already dropped off your payment, please do so before then or you’ll be shirtless! So far about 30-35 people have ordered shirts so we’re going to look awesome riding down the road in style come springtime. If you miss it this time around you’ll have to wait until we have 18 more sold before we place another order.

Start time: 10:00am
Start location: The Town Hall in Port Hope
Route: The Perrytown Pedlar route map here

So, what do you say?

Thursday, November 24th: “Perrytown Pedlar” route, (10am, Port Hope start)

This is one of those wonderful Ganaraska Freewheelers routes that always prove to be well thought out, and take in the best roads. Since we’ve been seeing a lot of Cobourg lately, we’ll try a Port Hope start and see some new scenery. It’s a 42km route with a shorter 24k option. If you want to add some distance, you could start in Cobourg and ride to the start point rather than driving. So far the weather is showing 8° and sunny. Not bad for November!

Start time: 10:00am
Start location: The Town Hall in Port Hope
Route: The Perrytown Pedlar route map here

So, what do you say?

Summary of the NHCC AGM held last Tuesday

We had a fabulous turnout of friends and fellow cyclists at our Annual General Meeting held last Tuesday night. However, we understand that some people would love to have come but were unable to. We don’t want you to miss a thing so we’re publishing the full results of the Survey right here, as well as showing you the chosen jersey design for our club. Take a look at the survey results and discuss any items you wish by commenting below.

We still have a the Fit Kit available until Thursday of this coming week, so if you haven’t already done so, contact Anita and she’ll be happy to let you stop by and try one on for size. Even if you think you might want to wait till spring to order, try one on so that we will have your size on record. Also, the jerseys are an excellent price right now ($65 taxes in) and we’re not sure if we’ll still get that same price in Spring.

And here are the full results of the survey:

Sunday, November 20th: Ride at 10am

What sort of a bike club would we be if we didn’t do Bickle Hill one Sunday? So, here it is. And for those of you who might be feel a little intimidated by it, don’t! You can certainly do it if you pace yourself. If you go up and over and feel like you just want to cut the ride length you can take a little short cut in Camborne and then it’s easy riding the rest of the way back. And if you’re feeling great, there’s the Jamieson twins after that!  Do not stay home because you think you can’t……you can!  🙂

We’ll all ride at our own pace, and Novice riders—no need to worry. If you get part way up and say NoWay, you could just turn around and come back. How easy is that!

Start time: 10:00am
Start location: The abandoned parking lot at the corner of Theatre Rd. and Hwy 2.
Route: Bickle Hill and More route map here. (33km)

Are you up for the challenge?  Oh, c’mon! Let’s do it!

Thursday, November 17th: Ride at 10am

Wow, what a great turnout at the AGM this fabulous November evening. More than 30 people came and we all enjoyed good food, fun memories of the past summer and got to see what everyone looks like out of their spandex and helmets.

Back to biz now…..Thursday Ride. Weather says 5°, windy and 40% chance of rain. But you never know. The weather man lies all the time. The route is only 29.5km this Thursday. If you want to do more, that can be arranged. 🙂

Start time: 10:00am
Start location: The park on Carlisle St. between Ewing and Westwood (south side)
Route: Town and Country route map here

How many brave souls have we got out there? Don’t put your bike away yet. Let us know if you are coming.

Agenda for the AGM and Jersey Fittings

The Annual General Meeting is just around the corner and we’ve finalized the agenda. We also have in our hot little hands a complete sample set of all jerseys sizes and they’ll be available at the meeting to look, touch, admire, and most importantly try on to select a size. They’ll look even more awesome once we place an order and get our own club design applied to them. Because Louis Garneau has a super special promotion right now, we’ll be able to offer our club jerseys for $65 (including taxes).

If you haven’t already RSVP’d with what you want for dinner, check out the options and let us know.

6:00-6:30 Drinks and mingle (opportunity to try on jerseys for size)
6:30 Dinner
7:30 President’s address (Randy)
7:35 Slideshow (Anita)
7:45 Awards (Vivian and Anita)
8:00 Treasurer’s report (Paul)
8:05 Vote on jersey design (Anita)
8:15 Survey results (Anita)
8:25 **Informal discussion, try on jerseys and renew memberships (All Executive Members)**
9:00 Adjourn meeting (Randy)

About the Jersey “Fit Kit”

The fit kit will be available for the next 10 days. If you want to get ahead of the crowd, or can’t make it to the meeting you are welcome to contact Randy and pop on over this weekend to give them a try at your convenience. Just give us a call and see if we’re home! 905-376-8696.

Sunday, November 13th: Ride from Donegan Park, (10am)

As with Thursday, this ride has plenty of opportunities for shortening the route. If you want to make an adjustment, please print out the map and indicate your intentions below so others may plan too.

Although many like to travel in group fashion, there are a few who have speedier goals and needs. So, if that describes you, and you want to “take off” and travel at your own pace, please indicate that you’ll be doing so below so we don’t wonder where you are.

Start time: 10:00am
Start location: Donegan Park
Ride leader: Anita Macklin
Route:  “Shelter Valley” Route Map here

Please indicate that you will join us for the ride. (Bundle up warmly!)

Thursday, November 10th: 50km (or 18km) ride from Donegan Park, (10am)

This ride has plenty of opportunities for shortening the route. And hey, if you’re one of the “fasties” and you want to do the route at a quick, uninterrupted pace you’re welcome to break away from the crowd. Perhaps just indicate below that you’re riding on the fast-track and there might be others who want to join you. 🙂 Otherwise, we’ll mainly travel at a moderate pace.

Start time: 10:00am
Start location: Donegan Park
Route:  “Shelter Valley” Route Map here

Please indicate that you will join us for the ride. (Bundle up warmly!)