Wednesday evening Advanced ride: Aug. 17th (6:00pm)

The days are getting shorter…..this ride will have to start at 6:00pm if we are to finish it before the sun sets. We’re going to ride like the wind up Bickle Hill, then over to do the Jamieson twins. Don’t you just love hills? You’ll hardly notice them, since it’s late in the season and we’re all super-fit now!

Start time: 6:00pm
Start location: Corner of Theatre Rd. and Highway 2 (Abandoned parking lot)
Route map and directions: Route map of “Bickle Hill and More” (36.8 km)
Ride Leader: Anita Macklin

Please indicate by commenting if you will come out for the ride so we know how many to expect. Thanks!

Monday, August 15th: Evening Novice Ride (7:00pm)

The days are getting shorter, but there’s still plenty of opportunity to get some rides in. We’ll meet at The Mill restaurant parking lot and head out for a little country ride. A few hills, but nothing too crazy.

Start time: 7:00
Start location: The Mill Restaurant, Cobourg
Route: To be determined
Ride Leader: Jamie Barnes

Please indicate by commenting if you will come out for the ride.

Ride: Sunday August 14th: “Shelter Valley” 9am

The “Shelter Valley” ride starts and finishes at Donegan Park. The estimated long distance will be about 50km with plenty of opportunities to shorten it as necessary.

Start time: 9:00am
Start location: Happy Gilmore’s restaurant, corner of Brook Rd. and King St.
Route map and directions: Shelter Valley Route Map and Directions

Long Ride Leader: Paul Mills
Short Ride Leader: TBD

Please comment below if you are coming and whether you are interested in the short or long route.

Ride: Thursday August 11th: “Shelter Valley” 9am

This route is the Freewheelers “Shelter Valley” ride with a modification to start and finish at Donegan Park rather than the Cobourg Marina. The estimated long distance will be about 50km with plenty of opportunities to shorten it as necessary.

Start time: 9:00am
Start location: Donegan Park
Route map and directions: Shelter Valley Route Map and Directions

Long Ride Leader: Vivian VandenHazel
Short Ride Leader: TBD

Please comment below if you are coming and whether you are interested in the short or long route.

Wednesday, August 10th: Evening Advanced Ride (6:30pm)

This route has two distance options. We’ll take the 44k shorter option due to the fact that the days are getting shorter.

Start time: 6:30pm
Start location: Corner of Danforth and McEwan (Park your car at the side of the road if necessary)
Route map and directions: Grafton Twice” (Freewheelers route)

Ride Leader: Anita Macklin

Please indicate by commenting if you will come out for the ride so that the ride leader can plan accordingly.

Monday, August 8th: Evening Novice Ride (7:00pm) Plus Beer and Food!

This time we’ll be a little different and do a nice leisurely evening ride and when we’re all done we’ll head into The Mill for a bite to eat, and enjoy a beer or two. (optional, of course!)

Start time: 7:00
Start location: The Mill Restaurant, Cobourg
Route: To be determined
Ride Leader: Paul Mills

Please indicate by commenting if you will come out for the ride so that the ride leader can plan accordingly.

Ride: Sunday, August 7th: “Le Tour de Port Hope” 9:00am

As usual, the Sunday ride will be the same as the previous Thursday ride.

The long ride is about 54 km, and takes in Bickle Hill on the way home. There is a shorter route of about 46 km that avoids that lovely climb! Thanks to Brian Hedney for developing this brand new route for us!

Start time: 9:00am
Start location: The Mill Restaurant
Route map and directions: “Le Tour de Port Hope” route map here

Long Ride Leader: Anita Macklin
Short Ride Leader:  To be determined

Please indicate by commenting if you will come out for the ride so that the ride leaders can plan accordingly.