Ride of Silence May 18 7pm

Annually around the globe Rides of Silence are organized to honour those killed while riding The date this year is May 18 7pm.If anyone is interested is organizing a ride locally the information can be found at www.rideofsilence.org. It is too far ahead for me to know what I will be doing then! Let me know if you are interested. Vivian

New Years Day Bike Ride and Pot Luck (Jan.1)

Hello All
January 1st at 1:00 will be Randy’s Annual Bike Ride and Pot Luck to be held at his house. What better way to start the New Year than with a bike ride. The distance will be weather dependent, and as usual, there’ll be a pot luck afterward. Spouses are welcome, and riding isn’t mandatory but it will be a heck of a lot of fun as always.

So, go ahead and celebrate the night before, sleep in, then start the year off right. If you plan to make it, please make a comment below. If you need directions to Randy’s house, please email him and he’ll be happy to let you know how to get there. Email Randy, click here.